Sign the #141initiative Pledge and make a commitment to giving back.  After you've signed the pledge and we verify your status, we'll put you on our list of registered partners and tag you on social media.

#141Initiative Pledge

While I have worked hard to achieve success in life, I realize that at some point I am no longer in a position of need. I have all the sneakers and clothes that I could need. With millions of people in this world who are truly in need, I have decided to use my position of good fortune to better the lives of others. By signing this pledge I am committing myself to the #141initiative.  

Media, Bloggers, & Influencers:  Signing the pledge is a promise that when I receive something for free from a brand or agency that I will either donate IT or a similar used item to charity.  I will then post a picture of my donation to IG.

Brands and Agencies:  Signing the pledge is a promise to only give products or goods to media and bloggers who are registered with the 141 Initiative.

Everyone Else:  Signing the pledge is a promise that every time I acquire new sneakers or clothing, I will look through my possessions and give something I no longer need to charity.  I will then post a picture of my donation to IG.

The products I give away, new or old, are up to me.  The charity I donate to can be completely of my own choosing.  However, I promise to make the "1 for 1" donation and to share my donations on social media with the #141initiative to help bring attention to the initiative and the charity. 

On my honor, I pledge to uphold the promise of the 141 initiative and help make a real impact by giving back the equivalent of that which I have received.

sign below